RECOVER SIMPLY, Inc. is a non profit 501c3 offering recovery support services and leadership development. We provide coaching to individuals from all walks of life and offer program consulting to other organizations. We thrive on thinking critically, creatively, and collaboratively.

Our mission is to engage, empower, enrich, and educate individuals in recovery, their loved ones, and the community. The goal is to establish a foundation for life-long development and connection and contribution to community.

We envision a world that recognizes the inherent worth of all people, and therefore, seek to meet all people with compassion and treat all with dignity and respect.

We value authenticity, love, kindness, hope, gratitude, humor, curiosity, creativity, purpose, and teamwork.

Our guiding principles are:

  • Equity in our approach to decision making

  • Ethics to demonstrate our integrity

  • Engagement with community

  • Excellence in what we do